Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Unstuck in Time

Remember Billy Pilgrim? 

I was searching for the source of a phrase that turned out to be a line from a song and ended up on a page that had a picture of a young Swedish woman apparently a singer that looked very much like my mother when she was about 20.  It was startling to say the least to see what she might look like if she was young today. 

My mother could have been a professional entertainer too had she not been raised as Lutheran farm girl in rural Minnesota. Maybe in one of those other universes...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mundane yet Meditative

I sometimes find myself staring blankly into the open refrigerator without a thought in my head long after I’ve determined there’s nothing edible in there. 
 I’m the only one in my home that thinks it easier to wash something than let it crustify in the dishwasher and hope it come out clean rather than have some food baked into it that requires power tools to remove.  So washing dishes is a great one as well. The warm water, the sounds of the water and the mindless activity are very calming.