Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rain and so forth

It’s raining hard outside my office window right now.  I find the sound of rain to be comforting.  Most sounds of nature in action are soothing.  Although I can’t see deriving the same sense of satisfaction from one of those miniature waterfall things they sell at Brookstone.  Maybe a CD at certain times perhaps would be good.   

I used to live on what was once a farm in Pennsylvania.  There was a small pole barn that I converted in part to a studio where my friends and I could play music.  All the windows were boarded up but one where we put an exhaust fan to try and keep the temperature down in the summer.  The building had a metal roof.  One night I inadvertently left a tape recorder running after we were finished and I later discovered I’d taped the sound of the wind making the roof creak and the old out of kilter fan blades brush the grille ever so slightly.  I’d moved to Maryland by the time I found this portion of the tape and was stunned by how vividly evocative of the barn it was.  I could smell it while listening with headphones.  I would like to find that tape again but lack the patience to listen to hours of mostly bad music to find it, if it didn’t get recorded over anyway. 
My point must be listening to what might be considered nothing at all, can be time well spent.  

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